Reissverschluss kürzenCHF7.00 Reissverschluss kürzenCHF7.00PriceReissverschluss kürzenJacket zipper Gerne kürzen wir deinen Jackenreissverschluss auf Wunschlänge. CHF7.00Price Reissverschluss kürzenJacket zipper Gerne kürzen wir deinen Jackenreissverschluss auf Wunschlänge. CHF7.00Priceremoveadd
Pants zipper 12cm copper whiteCHF2.20 Pants zipper 12cm copper whiteCHF2.20PricePants zipper 12cm copper whiteTrouser zippersCHF2.20Price Pants zipper 12cm copper whiteTrouser zippersCHF2.20Priceremoveadd
Kunstlederlabel - Mrs Mint - HandgmachtCHF2.90 Kunstlederlabel - Mrs Mint - HandgmachtCHF2.90PriceKunstlederlabel - Mrs Mint - HandgmachtKunstleder LabelsCHF2.90Price Kunstlederlabel - Mrs Mint - HandgmachtKunstleder LabelsCHF2.90Priceremoveadd
Ki-Ba-Doo Sporttights No. 2 DamenCHF17.00 Ki-Ba-Doo Sporttights No. 2 DamenCHF17.00PriceKi-Ba-Doo Sporttights No. 2 DamenWomanCHF17.00Price Ki-Ba-Doo Sporttights No. 2 DamenWomanCHF17.00Priceremoveadd
Nicki - Chilly whiteCHF21.00 Nicki - Chilly whiteCHF21.00PriceNicki - Chilly whiteNickiCHF21.00Price Nicki - Chilly whiteNickiCHF21.00Priceremoveadd
Boho Lace - ecruCHF18.00 Boho Lace - ecruCHF18.00PriceBoho Lace - ecruTulle & lace fabricCHF18.00Price Boho Lace - ecruTulle & lace fabricCHF18.00Priceremoveadd
copy of Cutting file - Milk & Cookies - svg - dxfCHF9.50 copy of Cutting file - Milk & Cookies - svg - dxfCHF9.50Pricecopy of Cutting file - Milk & Cookies - svg - dxfPlotter motifsCHF9.50Price copy of Cutting file - Milk & Cookies - svg - dxfPlotter motifsCHF9.50Priceremoveadd
Cotton cord 8mm white (qt)CHF3.50 Cotton cord 8mm white (qt)CHF3.50PriceCotton cord 8mm white (qt)Medium cords 7/8/9mmCHF3.50Price Cotton cord 8mm white (qt)Medium cords 7/8/9mmCHF3.50Priceremoveadd
Leni pepunkt - Unisex Oversized SweaterCHF17.00 Leni pepunkt - Unisex Oversized SweaterCHF17.00PriceLeni pepunkt - Unisex Oversized SweaterWomanCHF17.00Price Leni pepunkt - Unisex Oversized SweaterWomanCHF17.00Priceremoveadd
Textile felt 4mm whiteCHF18.00 Textile felt 4mm whiteCHF18.00PriceTextile felt 4mm whiteTextile felt 3mm Thicker textile felt for accessories such as bags, placemats, potato bags and much more. Doesn't fray and is super easy to work with. CHF18.00Price Textile felt 4mm whiteTextile felt 3mm Thicker textile felt for accessories such as bags, placemats, potato bags and much more. Doesn't fray and is super easy to work with. CHF18.00Priceremoveadd
Oilcloth acryl - solid whiteCHF25.00 Oilcloth acryl - solid whiteCHF25.00PriceOilcloth acryl - solid whiteAcryl coatedCHF25.00Price Oilcloth acryl - solid whiteAcryl coatedCHF25.00Priceremoveadd
Jersey Knit - Pin dots mustardCHF21.00 Jersey Knit - Pin dots mustardCHF21.00PriceJersey Knit - Pin dots mustardDots and stripesCHF21.00Price Jersey Knit - Pin dots mustardDots and stripesCHF21.00Priceremoveadd